
How to Keep Your Plants Healthy During the Winter Months

Plant Healthcare Winter

The winter months represent some of the most trying times for plants. As a result, the horticultural professionals at Organically Green employ their cutting-edge plant healthcare tactics and strategies to help plants not only survive, but thrive all year round! However, while some more intensive efforts call for nothing short of a professional touch, there are some things you can do to be proactive.

Keep Your Plants Clean

It’s no secret that sunlight is scarce during the winter months. With that said, you’ll want to maximize any exposure your plants can get throughout the day – so the best thing you can do is to keep your plants clean. This means keeping leaves and debris away and keeping their leaves clean, so they can get as much from the sun as possible. In addition to potential light obstruction, plants can also endure suffocation-caused damage, which can affect their overall growth. Think of this like proactive plant healthcare.

Proper Watering is Key

Depending on the types of plant(s) you have, their need for water will vary. For instance, some plants require little-to-no water during winter seasons, while others require constant watering. However, when temperatures drop, the ground starts to freeze, making it harder for plants to extract water and nutrients from the soil they sit on. To combat this, make sure to water your plants (that need it) early in the morning and only when the temperature is above 40 degrees, otherwise your plants won’t be able to absorb the water anyway.

This is a great start for DIY plant healthcare, but all situations are unique. If you’re experiencing problems beyond these examples, consider contacting one of the plant healthcare experts at Organically Green. We have years of combined experience treating plants and gardens all year round. 

The Benefits of Tree and Shrub Fertilization

Tree and Shrub Fertilization

Fertilization shouldn’t end with your grass, as it is ideal for trees and shrubs as well. While your typical gardener might (wrongfully) overlook this integral step, it’s actually one of the best, most proactive measures you can take in ensuring the long-term health of your shrubs and trees. 

Proper shrub fertilization can help to stimulate growth and maintain long-term prosperity. In fact, fertilizers provide highly important nutrients that don’t only promote growth, but strength and resilience as well (this becomes important as the colder seasons approach). However, shrub and tree fertilization services aren’t the same as those of the grass variety and as a result, often require professional care. Variables such as timing, calculating the “root zone”, incorporating “smart snacks” and more are all vital factors in ensuring your trees and shrubs get the best care possible. 

We always recommend contacting a professional for shrub and tree fertilization services, but this is especially true if your garden has been subject to any kind of construction. This is the case because leftover rubble, or even common occurrences like leaf removal in the Fall can potentially disrupt the natural cycling of nutrients in your soil. If your soil is impacted, the plants and shrubs that sit upon them will almost certainly be too!

Compromising your soil, trees and shrubs simply isn’t worth the risk. That’s why you should consider contacting one of Organically Green’s ISA (International Society of Arboriculture)-certified professionals for cutting-edge shrub fertilization and tree fertilization services. We have the skills and resources to get to the “root” of the problem and find solutions sooner, rather than later.

Have a question or concern about shrub and tree fertilization? Be sure to contact us to keep your garden looking green. 

Your Fall Checklist For Long Island Tick and Mosquito Control

Long Island Tick and Mosquito Control

It’s all too common for Long Islanders to gain a false sense of security when it comes to ticks and mosquitoes once the weather starts cooling down. While mosquitos are less common during the fall, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a need for proactive Long Island Tick and mosquito control. Wondering why?

The truth is, proactive measures designed to prevent tick and mosquito infestations can be just as (if not more) effective than getting rid of them once they’re already here. So we’ve put together this Fall checklist, so you can stay one step ahead of these tiny pests.

Clean Out Any Outdoor Structures

Garages and sheds are great for keeping you organized, and even better for mosquitoes and rodents to thrive. Ensuring the interiors of these structures are cleaned and maintained is one less method for these pests to breed right under your nose.

Check For Potential Breeding Grounds

When your shed and/or garage is cleaned out, mosquitos will search for viable alternatives. Items like tarps, outdoor toys and containers (those that can hold excess water from rainfall) are like a safe haven for these pests. Be sure to drill holes in these containers, such as garbage cans and planters, to avoid unwanted company.

Prioritize Yard Maintenance

The more you stay on top of your yard, the fewer opportunities ticks and mosquitoes will have to get settled for the winter. Keeping grass short, weeds down, dead plants from sticking around and masses of leaves from forming are among some of the best, most proactive ways for keeping your home pest-free.

Contact The Experts At Organically Green

Organically Green is your source for cutting-edge Long Island Tick and Mosquito Control, year-round! Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our trained arborists, so you can prevent pests before it’s too late.

Why is Plant Health Care Important?

Plant Health Care

Plants, trees, and shrubs are only able to thrive as well as their local environment allows them to. Given all the exterior forces that can affect their ability to thrive, such as environmental stress, pests, and competition for nutrients – health-related issues are quite common. The many factors that can impact a plant’s health can also make diagnosing the actual cause of the problem difficult, creating a need for professional plant health care services.

A garden is so much more than a collection of plants for so many across Long Island. It represents their little oasis, a peaceful escape that beautifies their home and melts away stress. We at Organically Green perform our professional plant health care services to preserve and prolong the health of gardens across Long Island.

Before any action can be taken, we must first diagnose the cause of your plants’ declining health. After narrowing down the causes, we can then start implementing our cutting-edge, organic methods that work to treat your foliage based on their specific needs – no cookie cutter practices here! From here, we monitor the effects of our efforts to confirm the validity of our diagnosis and ensure that your plants can continue to live without complications.

Investing in state-of-the-art plant health care services means employing custom solutions to ensure the short and long-term prosperity of your personal oasis. It’s best not to assume, which is why we don’t take any chances during our diagnostic process. Contact one of our expert arborists to identify and treat any issues your plants may be having.